The Duty to Consult

This resource provides thorough background information on the duty to consult including relevant cases, historical information, consultation guidelines, and links to other sources. Below is a description from Bear Paw Education:

“The principles of consultation state that the Crown must provide any First Nation potentially affected by a government decision or act of legislation with full information. The Crown must also ensure that its members are thoroughly informed of the practices and views of the nation or nations in question by way of meaningful and reasonable consultation. ‘Duty to consult’ refers to the rulings that the Supreme Court of Canada and many lower courts have issued over the years stating that government and private companies have a duty to consult with Aboriginal people whenever Crown decisions or actions have the potential to adversely affect Treaty or Aboriginal rights.”

Dated Added:
May 1, 2013
Published By:
Bear Paw Legal Education and Resource Centre
English Only
Grades 10 - 12
Aboriginal Studies, Legal Studies
Aboriginal People - Claims and Treaties, Landmark Cases, Supreme Court of Canada

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