Youth Law by CLERC
The Law Topics section of The Children’s Legal & Educational Resource Centre (CLERC), a non-profit organization based in Calgary, provides legal advice, education, and referals to youth. Topics covered include: Adoption Independant Living Guardians …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Child Support, Divorce, Drugs and Alcohol, Marriage and Common Law RelationshipsYoung Workers Zone
If you are looking for work while you are going to school or during holidays, this site will give you information that young workers need to be aware of. Specific information on questions that can be asked at an interview, the rights and responsibiliti …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: Worker's Health and Safety, Worker's Rights and Employment StandardsTaxation for Students
Going to university can be a big change for a lot of students. They are finally adults, they might move away and there are a lot more responsibilities. One of these responsibilities that might seem a bit muddy is filing a personal tax return. This reso …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: Income Tax ActSchool’s In: Dogged Determination
This activity guides students through the rules and regulations of beginning a small business they may run during the summer holidays. It focuses on the permits needed and how they vary from city to town as well as from province to territory. Questions …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: Entrepreneur, School's InRights Angle
Human rights is the focus of this downloadable 136 page PDF document that provides excellent background for teachers as well as a variety of activities for students in Social Studies and CTS: Legal Studies. All lessons use the newspaper as a tool to …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Charter of Rights, Civil Liberties, Human RightsResources for Teachers and Program Leaders from the Violence Prevention Program Calgary Initiative
For three years (2012-2015), a group of community-based agencies, school boards, funders andShift: The Project to End Domestic Violence came together to develop a strategic and coordinated approach to violence prevention programming (VPP) in Calgary. T …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: domestic violence, violence preventionRenting 101 Teaching Materials
These teacher materials include a teaching guide and student handout for use with the publication Renting 101. Renting 101 can be downloaded or a printed copy can be ordered here. Students review questions can be downloaded here. The teacher re …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: RentingOffice of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s – Youth Privacy
“Young people today are sophisticated users of the Internet, using this medium with ease and enthusiasm. We want to make sure that they understand the impact that these technologies can have on their privacy, and provide them with tools and information …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Internet Safety, PrivacyNeed Help Now is a website designed for teens between the ages of 13 and 17. The site provides information to youth who have been impacted by a sexual picture/video being shared by peers (sexting). The has practical steps youth can use to regain contr …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Bullying, Child Abuse, Sexting, Victims of CrimeMediation
This activity helps students understand what mediation is by having them engage in the actual process. Students work in groups and follow a step-by-step mediation outline to resolve a conflict. By the end of the lesson students should be able to analyz …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Mediation and Dispute ResolutionMedia Smarts
MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. Their website features a wealth of classroom resources for youth to develop critical thinking skills to engage with media as active and informed digital ci …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Internet Safety, PrivacyMake a Better City Classroom Program
Make a Better City (MBC) is an integrated project for teaching about citizenship, responsibility and community for Alberta Grade 6 Social Studies, Health & Life Skills, Language Arts and Mathematics. Teachers explore and research with students what …
Grades: Grades 4 - 6,
Keywords: Bylaws, Municipal GovernmentLaws for Landlords and Tenants in Alberta
This site offers valuable resources for students in CALM and CTS: Legal Studies about renting and accommodation. The site is divided into two parts, (a) Laws for Landlords, and (b) Laws for Tenants. Links to appropriate acts (such as the Alberta Resid …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: RentingLawCentralAlberta – Youth Resources
Are you looking for resources suitable for teens or young adults? Below you will find selected resources created for young people about a variety of topics. Also you can see youth resources about specific topics in the following sub-sections: Bullying …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: rights at workLaw Lessons for Teachers and Students was created by the Justice Education Society of BC to host their resources in one easy to navigate location. This website offers lesson plans, unit plans, court education, teacher training, and other law related classroom resources.
Grades: Grades 1 - 3, Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Civil Liberties, Courts, Elections, Federal Government, Hate Crimes, Judges, Legal History, Mediation and Dispute Resolution, Mock Trials, Police, Prison, Privacy, Provincial/Territory Government, Social Action, Youth Criminal Justice ActJustice Education Speakers Centre
This is a service in which justice professionals come out to schools and talk about law related topics that focus on the outcomes from the Alberta Social Studies Curriculum. Speakers are available to talk about many justice-related topics and areas of …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Court, speakers bureauJohn Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights Educational Resources
All of their educational resources are developed to supplement John Humphrey Centre projects. The resources are designed for teachers to incorporate human rights lessons into the classroom, workplace or community. Some of their resources include: Comb …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Charter of Rights, Citizenship and Nationality, Civil Liberties, Human Rights, Racism, Social ActionIt’s All in the Family
It’s All in the Family is a series of activities focusing on different kinds of families. Each section gives some background information on a topic such as parental custody, same sex couples, divorce and separation, etc. This is followed by some inte …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: Marriage and Common Law RelationshipsHIV & the Law – When is HIV Status Disclosure Necessary?
In this activity students will learn about the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision that HIV carriers with a low viral load, wearing condoms do not have to disclose their HIV status to sex partners. Students will reflect on this ruling and examine th …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: HIV, Legal History, Public Safety, Supreme Court of CanadaGuide to Rights and Responsibilities in Alberta Workplaces
This 36 page magazine (in PDF format) contains valuable information for adolescents and young people beginning their first job. There is a wealth of information that everyone beginning a new job should be aware of. It includes important facts regarding …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: Worker's Health and Safety, Worker's Rights and Employment StandardsGet Smart About Money
This website offers unbiased financial information for students and lesson plans for teachers. Some of the topics explored include saving money, credit, investing, interest, and debt management. The website features interactive games, quizzes, and fin …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords:Contract Law in Alberta
Contracts are entered into every day by almost every person, so it is important to understand the central issues in contract law, as they apply to both adults and youth. This booklet is designed to provide students, particularly those in CTS Legal Stud …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: ContractsClick – Stories of Cyber Bullying
“Click is a collection of three stories that show how cyber bullying impacts youth. This comic is meant to engage youth in discussion about cyber bullying and how it can be prevented. Click is a companion publication meant to be used with the film Cybe …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Bullying, Internet SafetyCanadian Legal FAQs
Canadian Legal FAQs answers Frequently Asked Questions about the Law in Canada and Alberta. This website is an excellent research tool for students. All of the answers are written in accessible plain language and covers a wide range of topics.
Grades: Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Arrest, Charter of Rights, Consumer Protection and Fraud, Courts, Credit and Debt, Criminal Records, Police, Privacy, Worker's Health and Safety, Worker's Rights and Employment Standards, Youth Criminal Justice ActBe Web Aware
Be Web Aware is a website by Media Smarts for parents and teachers. The website feature tips for a wide range of age groups and covers topics including cyber-bullying, excessive internet use, sexual risk and harm, privacy, marketing aimed at children, …
Grades: Grades 1 - 3, Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9,
Keywords: Bullying, Internet Safety, Privacy, Public SafetyAlberta Worker’s Health Centre: Work Plays
Alberta Worker’s Health Centre has a section that focuses on young workers. On this site, under Work Plays you can invite a professional theatre group at no cost to come to your school to share with students about occupational health and safety issues …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: Worker's Health and Safety, Worker's Rights and Employment StandardsAlberta Worker’s Health Centre: Work Plays
Alberta Worker’s Health Centre has a section that focuses on young workers. On this site, under Work Plays you can invite a professional theatre group at no cost to come to your school to share with students about occupational health and safety issues …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: Worker's Health and Safety, Worker's Rights and Employment StandardsAlberta Learning Information Service – High School Students
This site offers information for high school students as they plan what will happen to them after high school graduation. You can use the career planning tools section to determine personal interests, personality type and employability skills. The occu …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,
Keywords: Worker's Rights and Employment StandardsA-loan in the Dark
Students should always read the fine print. What you don’t know can hurt you! This article appeared in LawNow Vol. 40 Issue 6 in the special report on students and the law. See f …
Grades: Grades 10 - 12,