Justice Education Speakers Centre

This is a service in which justice professionals come out to schools and talk about law related topics that focus on the outcomes from the Alberta Social Studies Curriculum. Speakers are  available to talk about many justice-related topics and areas of law such as aboriginal, civil, constitutional, criminal, corrections and probation, courts, environmental, family, maintenance enforcement, medical examiner, policing and security, public trustee, victims services and young offenders. In addition to these topics the speaker can tailor his/her talk to the needs of your students.  Educators and community groups must fill out a speaker’s form and send it on line. You will be contacted to organize a time shortly after your form has been received.

Dated Added:
March 1, 2009
Published By:
Government of Alberta, Justice and Attorney General
English Only
Grades 10 - 12, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9
CALM and Health, Legal Studies, Social Studies
Court, speakers bureau


Terms of Use