Social Smarts: Privacy, the Internet and You

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has created this graphic novel to help young Canadians to better understand and navigate privacy … [Read more...]

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s – Youth Privacy

"Young people today are sophisticated users of the Internet, using this medium with ease and enthusiasm. We want to make sure that they understand the … [Read more...]

Be Web Aware

Be Web Aware is a website by Media Smarts for parents and teachers. The website feature tips for a wide range of age groups and covers topics … [Read more...]

Landmark Cases: R.v.Patrick – Is Garbage Private?

Through the study of this landmark case students will explore questions about what level of privacy Canadian citizens are entitled to and under what … [Read more...]

My Privacy, My Choice, My Life

This resource teaches young people about privacy. The content focuses technology and privacy. There are contests, quizzes, links, activities, and … [Read more...]

Canadian Legal FAQs

Canadian Legal FAQs answers Frequently Asked Questions about the Law in Canada and Alberta. This website is an excellent research tool for students. … [Read more...]

Media Smarts

MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. Their website features a wealth of classroom … [Read more...]

Law Lessons for Teachers and Students was created by the Justice Education Society of BC to host their resources in one easy to navigate location. This website offers lesson … [Read more...]

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